Expand Your Business And Grow Your Customer Network With Raqamyah Supply Chain Finance


Working capital optimization


Flexible payment terms to customers


Shariah compliant

About 80% of trade between suppliers (sellers) and their customers (buyers) is financed by some form of credit, where delivery of goods is immediate, and payment is deferred. Credit sales put pressure on the working capital of suppliers, as they will have substantial receivables to collect, hence limiting their growth.

Raqamyah Supply Chain Finance provides a solution for both suppliers (sellers) and customers (buyers), as and when invoice is issued by suppliers and the goods are delivered, invoice amount will be immediately settled by Raqamyah to the supplier (seller) and the customer (buyer) will settle to Raqamyah with flexible payment terms.

How Supply Chain Finance Works

  • Raqamyah will register the supplier (seller) as an approved supplier
  • The customers (buyers) will register in Raqamyah where their credit history will be assessed, and a revolving line of credit will be approved accordingly.
  • When the supplier (seller) raises an invoice and deliver the goods, invoice amount will be instantly settled to the supplier (seller) and the customer (buyer) will settle to Raqamyah at a later date.


A factory (seller) that sells chemicals to distributors (buyers) with 45-day credit is faced with a challenge that many of its buyers need longer credit terms say 180-day. Through Raqamyah Supply Chain Program, the factory (supplier) will instantly receive from Raqamyah the value of goods when they are invoiced while the distributor (buyer) will receive more flexible and easier payment terms.

Frequently Asked Questions

All suppliers operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whether they are distributors of specific products or factories, who have a wide customer network and have a track record that extends for more than three years.

No, in this case, the supplier is not considered as financee (borrower) , but the financee (borrower) will be the customer (buyer), as he will be responsible for settling the financed amount according to financing terms.

All customers (buyers) who have dealt with the supplier for at least one year and who will be subject to a credit assessment by Raqamyah in order to be granted a revolving credit line.

You can fill out the form at the following LINK and Raqamyah team will contact you.